đ My office: Room No- F12, 1st floor
Information Extraction and Retrieval Lab
Kohli Research Block, IIIT-Hyderabad
âď¸ Email: param.krishna@iiit.ac.in
About Me
Hello! People call me Param (short for Parameswari Krishnamurthy, the result of clipping, a common linguistic process for keeping things simple đ).
I am an Assistant Professor at the Language Technologies Research Centre(LTRC), IIIT-Hyderabad, specializing in Computational Linguistics.
Together with my students and collaborators, we focus on developing cutting-edge Machine Translation systems and innovative evaluation techniques, as well as building linguistic resources for both major and low-resource Indian languages.
My research interests include cross-linguistic Divergence studies, Shallow Parsing (including Morphological Analysis, POS tagging, and Chunking), Dependency Parsing, Semantic Parsing, and Discourse Connectives in Indian languages. Recently, our group has expanded into the health domain, applying NLP to tackle real-world challenges.
I lead a lab called PLURAL (https://plural.iiit.ac.in), where we include our latest research and ongoing projects.
If you are looking to work with us for an internship/M.S./Ph.D. fill out this Internship Application.
- CL3.202 Computational Linguistics II: Comp Semantics and Discourse parsing (Co-teaching with Dr. Rajakrishnan Rajkumar) (Monsoon 2024, 2023)
- CL3.101 Computational Linguistics 1: Comp Phonology, Morphology and Syntax (Spring 2022, 2023)
- CL3.406 Linguistic Data 3: Data Modeling in ILs (Spring 2022)
- Semester: Fall 2024
Past Teaching at University of Hyderabad
- Course Name: Machine Translation, 2022
- Course Code: MT1.201
- Description: Focused on techniques in Statistical and Neural Machine Translation for Indian languages.
- Semester: Fall 2022
Discourse Integrated Dravidian language to Dravidian language machine translation (2022-2025)
- Develop and deploy Tamil-Telugu neural MT including discourse analysis and integrate in speech to speech MT
- Create annotated data for POS, syntatcic & semantic parsing and discourse markers
- Use Machine Learning techniques in building tools such as POS tagger, parser, discourse analyser and integrate them in a neural MT
- Software used: Python, Perl, C, Web-based tools
- Funded by MEITY, Govt. of India (Rs. 140.19 Lakhs). Collaborators: AUKBC-Chennai, IIIT-Hyd, ICFOSS Trivandrum, MIT-Manipal, C-DAC Noida, DAIICT Gandhinagar
Sanskrit to Indian Language Machine Translation cum Language Accessor (2022-2024)
- Develop Sanskrit-Telugu and Sanskrit-Marathi transfer-based machine translation
- Provide access to linguistic analysis to the readers to decipher the meaning of source language
- Funded by Indian Knowledge System, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of India
Syntactic Parser for Tamil: A Data-driven Approach (2023-2024)
- Annotate 100K tokens in Tamil for POS, Morph and dependency relations
- Build a machine learning model for Tamil parser
- Funded by Tamil Virtual Academy, Govt. of Tamilnadu
- Link to access Tamil Parser : http://plural.iiit.ac.in/tamilparser or access from here
Sanskrit Knowledge Accessor
- Develop and deploy Sanskrit-Tamil hybrid (transfer+neural) MT
- Build high quality linguistically rich annotated data, needed for Machine Learning techniques.
- Integrate MT in dialogue modelling
- Funded by MEITY, Govt. of India. Collaborators: UoH-DSS, IIT-KGP, IIT-Kanpur, MAHE, CVV, IGDTUW
Speech to Speech Machine Translation (SSMT): Pilot System: (March 2020-July 2021)
- Built web-based SSMT API for Tamil-Telugu MT
- Compiled a huge parallel corpora and domain dictionaries for building neural MT
Indian Language to Indian Language Machine Translation (IL-IL MT) 2010-2016
- IL-IL MT is a bidirectional Indian language to Indian language machine translation project. This project intends to develop 18 MT systems involving 9 Indian language pairs based on transfer approach. It is being developed in a consortium mode involving International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, University of Hyderabad, Institute of Information Technology (IIT) Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Anna University and Centre for Development Of Advanced Computing Pune. It is funded under Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) Program by the Department Of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry Of Communications and Information Technology(MCIT), Government of India.
- Language Technology Laboratory at Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies(CALTS) has conducted the research and development for building Telugu-Hindi, Hindi-Telugu, Telugu-Tamil and Tamil-Telugu MTs. As principal investigator, Prof. G. Uma Maheshwar Rao coordinates this project and as an investigator I (Dr. K. Parameswari) carried out research and development in building Telugu-Tamil and Tamil-Telugu MT systems with the research team consisting linguists and computer scientists.
- My contribution to this project is mainly in building Transfer Grammars, Tamil Morphological Analyser & Generator, POS tagger, Chunker, Dependency parser, Multi Word Expression & Agreement Generation modules for Tamil and Telugu.
- Link to access IL-IL MT(Telugu-Tamil & Tamil-Telugu) : http://sampark.iiit.ac.in/sampark/web/index.php/content
Building Shallow Parser tools, Ontological Lexicon and Full Parser for Tamil funded by University Grand Commission, Delhi under UGC-SAP DSA-1. 2015-2020
Edited Book: Parameswari, K. & Sampathbabu Tokala (Eds.). 2018. moḝivÄdam: Collected Papers in Applied Linguistics. KY Publications: India
Conference Papers
Sangeetha P., Parameswari K. and Amba Kulkarni. 2019. A Rule-based Dependency parser for Telugu: An Experiment with Simple Sentences. Poster Presentation at Women in NLP, co-located with the sixteenth International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2019), during December 18-21, 2019, held at IIIT Hyderabad, India.
Parameswari K. 2019. Building Divergence Index for Telugu-Tamil Machine Translation: Quantification of Case Divergence. Tamil Internet Conference 2019 during 20-22 September 2019 at the Anna University Guindy-Chennai Campus.
Keerthana B and Parameswari K. 2019. Towards building a dependency parser for Tamil: A discussion on tags. Tamil Internet Conference 2019 during 20-22 September 2019 at the Anna University Guindy-Chennai Campus.
Sangeetha P. and Parameswari K. 2019. Classification of Anaphoric Elements in Telugu: An Attempt to Develop an Anaphora Resolution System An International Journal of Language Sciences, An online journal published by School of Language Sciences, EFL-U, Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2019. pp138-162.
Parameswari K. 2019. âConnecting Language and Technology: Can indigenous languages benefit?â. Paper presented at International Conference on Indigenous Languages, Societies and Cultures in India (ICILSCI-2019), February 21-22, 2019 at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, Parameswari K. et.al. 2019. âWhite Paper on Telugu Language Technologyâ. Paper presented at SOIL-Tech-1: Sanskrit and Other Indian Languages -Technology, February 15-17, 2019 at School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Parameswari K. and Uma Maheshwar Rao. 2019. âMachine Translation in India: A report of Telugu-Tamil and Telugu-Hindi Machine Translation Systemsâ. Paper presented at Brainstorming Workshop on Spoken Language Machine Translation (for Making Content Accessible in Indian Languages) January 31-February 1 2019, at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad.
Parameswari, K., Nagaraju, V., AngelineLinda, K. 2018. A Transfer-rule based Verb Phrase Translation from English to Tamil. Working Notes of FIRE 2018 - Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation . ISSN 1613-0073.
Atheena M. and Parameswari K. 2018. âCase markers in Tamil and Malayalam: A study in Divergenceâ. Paper presented at 40 International Conference of Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI-40) December 5-7, 2018, at Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore.
Sangeetha P. and Parameswari K. 2018. âThe classification of anaphoric elements in Telugu for developing an Anaphora Resolution systemâ. Paper presented at 40 International Conference of Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI-40) December 5-7, 2018, at Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore.
Parameswari K. 2018. âDevelopment of Telugu-Tamil Transfer-based machine Translation system: Parameswari Krishnamurthy Page 3 An improvization using Divergence Indexâ. Journal of Intelligent Systems, De Gruyter: Germany Article-DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/jisys-2018-0214.
Parameswari K. 2018. âAccusative Case Marking in Telugu and Tamil: Translation Divergence in Transfer-based Machine Translationâ. In Journal Dravidian Studies, Dravidian University: Kuppam. ISSN 0976-5182
Keerthana B. and Parameswari K. 2018. âParsing in Indian Languages: With Special Reference to Tamil The State-of-the-Artâ. In Journal Dravidian Studies, Dravidian University: Kuppam. ISSN 0976-5182
Sangeetha P. and Parameswari K. âAnnotation Issues in Building Anaphora Resolution for Teluguâ in the 9th National Conference of TelF March 7-8, 2018, Department of Dravidian and Computational Linguistics, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh.
Parameswari K. 2018. âComputing linguistic divergence and its relevance in building machine translation systems: A case study with Telugu and Tamilâ in Proceedings of AMLaP-Asia 2018 February 1 - 3, 2018, Centre for Neural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Parameswari K. 2018. âTechnology Integration in Mother Tongue Medium of Instruction: State-ofthe-art, Needs and Perspectivesâ in Two-day National Symposium on Mother Tongue Medium of Instruction in School Education in India from 29th January-30th January 2018 at CALTS, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Parameswari K. 2017. âDevelopment of Telugu-Tamil Transfer-based Machine Translation System: An Improvization using Divergence Indexâ in Shared Task cum Workshop on Machine Translation in Indian Languages (MTIL) from September 7 - 8, 2017 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore.
Parameswari, K. 2016. âDivergence Index for Quantifying Translation Differences in Machine Translation: An implementation in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translationâ. International Conference on Dravidian Linguistics (ICDL-2016) & 44 th All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists (44th AICDL) on June 16-18, 2016 at CALTS, UoH.
Parameswari, K. and Keerthana, B. 2016.âInfinitival Clauses in Tamil: Some issues and challenges in building a Parserâ. International Conference on Dravidian Linguistics (ICDL-2016) & 44 th All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists (44th AICDL) on June 16-18, 2016 at CALTS, UoH.
Parameswari, K. 2015. âHandling Divergence in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translationâ. Proceedings of Natural Language Symposium on Dravidian Languages (iDravidian 2015) on 10 December 2015, Co-located with International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2015), December 11-14, 2015, at IIITM-K, Technopark, Trivandrum, India.
Parameswari, K. 2015. âDevelopment of Telugu-Tamil Transfer-Based Machine Translation System: With Special Reference to Diveregence Indexâ. In Proceedings of Deep Machine Translation Workshop 2015, and poster session in Tenth Machine Translation Marathon, Prague, 7th - 12th September 2015.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., Hari Santosh, Parameswari K., Christopher Mala & Nagaraju. 2014. âCALTS- mAta: Unicode Based Indian Language Keyboard for Android Deviceâ. Paper presented in 42nd All India Conference of Dravidian Linguistics at Dravidian University, Kuppam, June-2014.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., Christopher M., Nagaraju V.& Parameswari, K. 2013. âDeveloping a Telugu Spell Checker with an add-on plugin for OpenOfficeâ. Paper presented in 41st All India Conference of Dravidian Linguistics at University of Madras, Chennai from June 20-22, 2013.
Uma Maheshwar Rao G., Christopher M., Santosh Kumar H. & Parameswari K. 2013. âAndroid Apps for Dravidian Languagesâ. Paper presented in 41st All India Conference of Dravidian Linguistics at University of Madras, Chennai from June 20-22, 2013.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., Parameswari K., Christopher M., & Ganapathy Raju N.V. 2012. âTelugu Spell checker based on morphological analyser: error detection and suggestion generationâ. Proceedings of II International Telugu Internet Conference, GITAM University,Pp 127-134. Ministry of IT&C, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. India
Parameswari, K., Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., Sreenivas N.V. & M. Christopher. 2012. âDevelopment of Telugu-Tamil Bidirectional Machine Translation System: A Special Focus on Case Divergenceâ. In 11th International Tamil Internet Conference.,180191. Annamalainagar: Annamalai University.
Parameswari, K., Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., N. Krupanandam, Christopher M. & Sreenivasulu N. V. 2012. âA Tamil-Telugu Machine Translationâ. In Vaagartha, A Festschrift for Prof. Padmakar R. Dadegaonkar, CALTS: University of Hyderabad,7889, ISBN: 978-93-5087-691-6
Parameswari, K. 2011. âSome Aspects of Syntactic Divergences in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translationâ. In C. Sivashanmugam & V. Thayalan(eds.), New Perspectives in Linguistics, 7484. On the occasion of Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume, Department of Linguistics. Coimbatore: Bharathiar University.
Parameswari, K. 2011. âA Tamil-Telugu Transfer-based Bidirectional Machine Translation Systemâ. In Proceedings of International Telugu Internet Conference, Milpitas, California, September 28-10, 2011.
Parameswari, K. 2011. âAn Implementation of APERTIUM Morphological Analyzer and Generator for Tamilâ. Paper published in online journal Language in India. Volume 11 : 5 May 2011. ISSN 1930-2940.
Parameswari, K. Uma Maheshwar Rao, G. & Christopher M. 2011. âIntroducing a Measure of Morphological Complexity in Indian Languages from the Perspective of Morphological Analyzersâ. Paper presented at 29th Meeting of the South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA) hosted by the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, Karnataka, India, from 6th 8th January, 2011.
Parameswari, K. & Uma Maheshwar Rao, G. 2010. Dative Divergences in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translation. in Proceedings of 32nd All India Conference of Linguistics (AICL-32), at Lucknow University, Lucknow, 21st to 23rd December, 2010.
Parameswari, K., Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., Krupanandam, N., Lavanya, J., & Christopher, M. 2010. Certain Issues in the development of Telugu-Tamil Machine Translation system : A view from Lexicon. Published in Tamil Internet-2010 Conference Papers, (pp: 601-608 ), June 23-27,2010, Coimbatore.
Parameswari, K. Uma Maheshwar Rao, G. Krupanandam, & N. Christopher Mala. 2010. âSome Aspects of Syntactic Divergences in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translationâ. in New Perspectives in Linguistics, Edited by Prof. C. Sivashanmugam and Prof. V. Thayalan, on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume, Department of Linguistics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 15th to 16th of December, 2010. Pg. 74-84.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., & Parameswari, K. 2010. âTamil Hyper Grammarâ. Published in Tamil Internet-2010 Conference Papers, (pp: 585-591), June 23-27, 2010, Coimbatore.
Parameswari K. 2010. âAn improvized Morphological Analyzer for Tamilâ. Paper presented in 9th International Conference on South Asian Languages, Punjabi University, Punjabi.
Parameswari, K. 2010. âAn Improvised Morphological Analyser cum Generator for Tamil: A Case of Implementing the Open Source Platform Apertiumâ. In Mona Parekh (ed.), Morphological Analysers and Generators, 124131. Mysore: LDCIL, Central Institute of Indian Languages.
Uma Maheshwar Rao, G., & Parameswari, K. 2010. âOn the Description of Morphological Data for Morphological Analysers and Generators: A case of Telugu, Tamil and Kannadaâ. In Mona Parekh (ed.), Morphological Analysers and Generators, 7381. Mysore: LDCIL, Central Institute of Indian languages.
Lectures Delivered
Linguistic Features of Dravidian Languages. A lecture delivered at Workshop on Writing Report on Minor Languages at 09 th 13 th December, 2019 at CIIL, Mysore.
Understanding Sentence Structure. A lecture delivered at Workshop on Writing Report on Minor Languages at 09 th 13 th December, 2019 at CIIL, Mysore.
Morphosyntax. A lecture delivered at The Panini Linguistics Olympiad-2019 at IIIT-Hyderabad which held from 5th May to 15th May 2019.
Computational Morphology. A lecture delivered at ninth IIIT-H Advanced Summer School on NLP (IASNLP-2018) at IIIT-Hyderabad which held from 25th June to 7th July 2018.
Computing linguistic divergence and its Relevance in Building Machine Translation Systems: A Case Study with Telugu and Tamil. An invited Symposium talk in AMLaP-Asia 2018 February 1 - 3, 2018, Centre for Neural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Corpus analysis and Annotation, Ontology and NLP, Ontology Annotation Guideline. A series of lecture delivered at Shared Task cum Workshop on OntoLex in Indian Languages held from 29th November to 1st December 2017 (3 days) at CALTS, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad under UGC-SAP DSA-1.
Computational Morphology. A lecture delievered at a Seven day Workshop for women on âNatural Language Processingâ from 21st 28th July, 2016 at LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore.
Machine Translation for Indian Languages. A lecture delievered at a Seven day Workshop for women on âNatural Language Processingâ from 21st 28th July, 2016 at LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore.
An overview of Machine Translation Research and Techniques. A lecture delivered at Workshop on Natural Language Processing: Dravidian Languages scheduled for 5 days at LDC-IL, CIIL, Mysore from December 14-18, 2015.
Computational Application of Divergence between Dravidian languages: With special reference to Telugu and Tamil. Presented in A short term intensive course in Dravidian linguistics, CALTS, University of Hyderabad in collaboration with CIIL-Mysore from 21st September to 26th September 2015.
Rule based POS tagging. A talk delivered at Five day national workshop on POS tagging , Department of Linguistics, Central University of Kerala, Kasargode from 27th to 31st October 2014.
What is POS tagging? Different approaches to POS tagging. A lecture delivered at Five day national workshop on POS tagging , Department of Linguistics, Central University of Kerala, Kasargode from 27th to 31st October 2014.
Computing Morphology in Dravidian languages. Talks delivered at Five day Training Programme on Natural Language Processing at the Department of Computer Science and Applications & Computer Science and Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University, Vallam, Thanjavur from 5-9th November, 2013.
Syntactic Divergence (Telugu-Tamil): Description and Solution in Machine Translation. Presented in the International Conference on Syntax and Language Contact at the University of Hyderabad, 27th February- 3rd March 2012.
My Group
Ph.D. Advisees
- Dasari Priyanka
- Surtani Monica (Advised with Prof. Chiranjeevi Yarra and Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru "PK")
M.S./ Computational Linguistics Dual (CLD) Degree Students
- Abhinaba Bala, M.S.
- Jerrin John Thomas, CLD
- Aradhya Gupta, CLD
- Yash Bhaskar, CLD
- Sankalp Sanjay Bahad, CLD
- Akshit Kumar, CLD
- Ketaki Mangesh Shetye
- Saketh Reddy Vemula
- Modumudi Naga Sai Ritvik
- Hari Shankar (co-advised with PK)
Honors Students
- Mupparapu Sohan Gupta
Contact me through below channels for colloborations and new ideas/suggestions
Gachibowli, LTRC, IIIT Hyderabad Campus
+91 40 6653 1266